Heavenly Lake Is Also Joining In

"Senior Sister…"

In the martial arts arena, Zhao Wan'er and Little Linglong were sitting at the side and observing. Lin Qingzhu suddenly came here, and the two of them immediately stood up. They had all heard what Qi Wuhui had said just now.

Zhao Wan'er was also very shocked. They did not expect the Heaven Mending Sect to make such a decision. In her heart, she was filled with respect for her sect.

The two of them stood up and shouted in unison. Lin Qingzhu waved her hand and looked at her surroundings.

"You all heard it just now, right?" Lin Qingzhu said lightly. She was also thinking about what Violet Cloud Peak should do next.

Zhao Wan'er nodded, and Little Linglong said excitedly, "Senior Sister, can we go down the mountain to play?"