Buried Bones

Actually, the reason why Ye Qiu came wasn't because he was afraid of Tianmeng. At this moment, he had completely grasped the ultimate profundity of the third sword technique of the Cursive Sword Art, and his combat strength had already reached its peak. He had the Immortal Slayer, wore the Liuxian Robe, and grasped many profound secret techniques. It was not impossible for him to fight Tianmeng. Even if it didn't work, Ye Qiu still had a final killing move.

The reason he came was because he had yet to find a way to kill Tianmeng.

Ye Qiu knew too little about the mysteries of the Regenerative Bone. Not only him, but there were also very few records of such magical immortal bones in the world. He only knew that this immortal bone had the miraculous effect of nirvana, but he didn't know what the basis of nirvana was and what secrets it contained. How should he destroy it so that it could not be reborn?

Ye Qiu hoped that Xuanyi would answer his series of questions.