Saving A Beauty From Ten Thousand Miles Away

"An interesting human expert, and a woman at that?"

In the black fog outside the Nine Heavens, the strange giant with a dragon head and a human body looked at Ming Yue with interest. It was as if in his eyes, the other party was just an ant and was not worthy of his help.

Compared to the woman in red he had met in the uninhabited region, Ming Yue's demeanor was indeed very difficult to attract him. There was only one expert in the Eastern Wasteland that could interest him, and that was Tianmeng. Unfortunately, in Tianmeng's eyes, he was also an ant and could not arouse her interest at all.

Under the natural chasm, Ming Yue suppressed the Bloodthirsty Beast with one hand and looked up at the Heavenly Abyss, staring at the strange giant.

"What a powerful aura."