Director of the Joke Group

Hearing that person's voice, everyone immediately became excited and looked over.

"Let me see. Who is so brave to challenge the Pixiu at this time." Qi Wuhui said excitedly. He looked over and saw a person ascending to the sky. When he saw the other party's appearance, he was instantly disappointed. "F*ck, isn't this the Infinite Dao?"

That person was none other than Feng Qingyun, who had been beaten up miserably by Little Linglong on Mount Yun Ding.

Why did he jump out again?

"Tsk… Let's go, let's go. There's nothing to see."

Feng Qingyun thought that his appearance would attract many fangirls when he appeared. Who would have thought that it would be like this? Seeing him make a move, everyone was instantly disappointed. They turned around and wanted to leave without even looking.

"F*ck, can you give me some face and watch for a while?"