Call Me Mistress


Under the seven-colored divine light, a white figure vaguely appeared.

Her appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention. Just now, she had only lightly slapped out and shattered that Perfected Immortal's attack.

With a loud bang, a shocking Monarch's aura erupted and swooped down with the power to crush all living beings.

"Gasp… Martial Monarch!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked. This mysterious expert who had suddenly appeared was actually a Martial Monarch Realm expert. Furthermore, she was a peak-level Martial Monarch. Her aura was not inferior to the seven Perfected Immortals at all.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense.

"Who is she? Why did she save me?"

Lin Qingzhu's gaze was complicated. She could not understand why this mysterious Martial Monarch would suddenly save her.