Old Thing, Do You Recognize This Sword?

Hua Feiyu's face instantly darkened after being berated by Lian Feng. Gradually, he mocked himself and fell into self-doubt. He claimed to be invincible among his peers and the most eye-catching existence among the younger generation.

However, he appeared so afraid in the face of a being like Li Tian.

Was he qualified to compete with Ye Qiu? He couldn't help but ask himself. Back then, Ye Qiu didn't show any fear when facing enemies several times stronger than him. Instead, he killed an immortal with a single strike and completely became famous.

Under his light, Hua Feiyu looked even more dim and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

In the current Great Desolate World, everyone was talking about the Heaven Mending Sect's Sword Immortal. However, very few people mentioned the peerless Saint of Mount Yao who had passed the test of the three thousand stone paths.