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Endless murderous aura filled the Nine Heavens, and a blood-red fog dyed the sky red.

The world seemed to have fallen silent. Ye Qiu was like a god of slaughter.

The world had never seen such a shocking murderous aura. Even Li Tian, who had grasped the divine power of the Blood Clan, had never seen such a shocking murderous aura. It was as if thousands of vengeful spirits were waving at him and calling out from the blood screen in front of him. His eyes gradually lost their luster and became dim.

This feeling pulled him back to the bloody battle back then. It was also that familiar stone sword that suppressed the rebellion of an era.

The same human youth, the same peerless beauty.

It was raining blood. Everyone fell silent, as if they were in an atmosphere of extreme sorrow. There was an inexplicable uneasiness and palpitation in their hearts.

"What sword technique is this?"