Going Home

"What's going on?"

In the sky above the East Sea, countless people gathered together and looked up at the hole in the sky. The water of the Nine Heavens kept pouring in, and the entire Great Desolate World was in chaos.

"Oh my god, is the Great Purge coming?"

Everyone was terrified and at a loss.

Countless heavenly water surged into the Heavenly River that cut off the mortal realm from the Heavenly realm because of this crack.

The entire Great Desolate World instantly became a river that drowned countless plains.

All the experts present looked at each other with solemn expressions. No one knew what they were thinking.

Ye Qiu returned to the Heaven Mending Sect's team. Zhao Wan'er carried the unconscious Lin Qingzhu in her arms and walked up to ask, "Master, what happened? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

Ye Qiu shook his head and didn't explain. He wasn't very clear about the secret.