Anger From Humiliation


With a furious shout, Little Linglong went all out. The huge hammer tore through the sky, emitting dazzling sparks.

One could feel how ferocious that shocking hammer was.

Perfected Lord Chao Tian did not dare to resist at all. He dodged two strikes in a row and watched as a huge crack appeared on the mountain and plain behind him.

Chao Tian's back turned cold and he was incomparably shocked.

"Oh my god, where did this little thing come from? She's too fierce."

He couldn't help but curse in his heart. He never thought that there would be such a ferocious little loli in the Great Desolate World.

Could it be that in this world, it didn't depend on the other party's cultivation, but their appearance? The more quiet, obedient, sweet, and cute the little loli was, the fiercer she became?

The previous Lin Qingzhu was beautiful, right? She was the iceberg goddess, the dream lover of many people.