Enough Is Enough

Ye Qiu was instantly amused. He had thought that this old man looked amiable and should be a good person. He didn't expect his next move to be to personally test him.

Ye Qiu immediately became interested. Since the other party was already so rude, he didn't need to be polite.

Damn it, I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person. I didn't expect this to happen.

No more pretending. I'm laying my cards on the table.

In an instant, the immortal power in Ye Qiu's body surged, and a violent flame aura appeared. It was the Red Lotus Karmic Flame.

In less than a moment, the old man's aura instantly disintegrated. Ye Qiu didn't move and only smiled.

In an instant, the smile on the old man's face stopped, and the expressions of everyone around him changed.

How could they not see that the two of them were competing with each other? Immediately, everyone became nervous.