
Feng Lingyue looked at Fatty as if he was looking at a fool.

His Feng Clan was a huge family and business, but they did not lack a million red crystals. However, he was not a fool with a lot of money.

Before the fatty came, the news of the bounty increase had yet to be announced, so it could not be counted.

Why should he give Fatty a million? It was fine as long as he fulfilled his promise and didn't go back on his word. As for Fatty, he couldn't be bothered.

"Damn it! I'm so angry."

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. The fatty was so angry that he hammered his chest and wanted to cry.

A million red crystals had just missed him. How many graves would he have to dig to earn back if he missed this opportunity?

"Why? Are you not satisfied?"

Seeing that the fatty was still unwilling to leave, Feng Lingyue's face darkened and anger appeared.