Ao Han

After the three of them secretly discussed the plan, they began to take action. Of course, these three people had different thoughts.

Ye Qiu wanted to cause a scene and earn some money, while Fatty just wanted money. As for Yunshang, she only participated because it was fun.

The three of them had different thoughts and different missions.

As night gradually fell, the curse of time continuously emitted auroras under a strange pitch-black void.

The surroundings were extremely quiet. The previous group of people had already dispersed, and the outside was empty.

Suddenly, a figure passed through the turbulence and arrived outside this forbidden area.

"Time curse?"

He was a pure-blooded descendant. His entire body was covered in golden runes. His mighty and domineering body stood upright, and his eyes had the arrogance of looking down on the world.
