Body Fusion Technique

Coming to the side of the pool, he fiercely admired the beauty in the pool. Ye Qiu took a deep breath.

"Too beautiful. Could this be the legendary top pure and sexy?"

Looking at the water droplets on her fair skin and the wet dress that clung to her body, revealing her perfect figure, it constantly tempted Ye Qiu's restless heart.

It was not an exaggeration to say that it was like a lotus blooming from clear water. Her eyes were filled with shyness. She closed her eyes and abandoned those distracting thoughts. Soon, she entered a state.

Ye Qiu gently stepped into the pool, and a terrifying force instantly entered his prefecture sea from his feet.


Ye Qiu couldn't help but cry out. This comfortable feeling was difficult to resist.

"This is awesome."

Little did he know that his shout made Yunshang, who had just entered a state of mind, feel very embarrassed.