Give Me Some Face

Hit me? Come on, try hitting me if you have the guts. Let's see if my brother will deal with you.

Ye Qiu was feeling extremely proud.

"Damn it!"

The old man was furious. His expression became even darker as he glared at Ye Qiu.

After a while, he finally calmed down and said, "Who are you? My Feng Clan has never offended you, right? Why are you forcing us?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Ming Yue also looked over curiously. She couldn't figure out who this unfamiliar man in front of her was.

What kind of grudge did he have with the Feng Clan?

Seeing this, Ye Qiu was stunned. He didn't answer immediately and pondered for a moment.

After a while, he said, "I have no grudge with your Feng Clan. The reason why I did this might be because of the justice in my heart."