One World for One Flower

Lin Qingzhu had already made up her mind. Her eyes were incomparably firm, and there was a trace of hidden killing intent hidden under her beautiful face.

"Cut the crap! Bring it on!"

Cloudy Heavens waved horizontally. She looked valiant and heroic, her white dress fluttering in the wind. As she took a step into the sky, an incomparably terrifying sword intent instantly erupted.

"What astonishing sword energy! Martial Niece Lin's comprehension of the Sword Dao is becoming more and more unfathomable."

Qi Wuhui praised from the bottom of his heart. The more he looked at Lin Qingzhu, the more she resembled Ye Qiu. She was the person who resembled Ye Qiu the most among his three disciples.

The atmosphere became even more anxious. Lin Qingzhu stood alone in the sky and shouted at Torch Dragon from afar.

He did not stand up from his seat. Instead, he looked at her disdainfully.