Old Fox and Little Fox

"Haha!" Meng Tianzheng nodded in satisfaction at Ye Qiu's answer and said, "To be able to have such comprehension means that you already know your future path. "Since you know your path clearly, feel free to boldly barge in. I've been sitting in this building for a million years. In the blink of an eye, my good friends from back then have long turned to dust. My only wish in this life is to see what kind of new world you young people can create in this future golden age."

Meng Tianzheng said earnestly. Before Ye Qiu came, his greatest wish was to let the Heaven Mending Goddess appear in the world. But now, he had another wish. He wanted to see how exciting the future would be. He wanted to see what kind of new world Ye Qiu would create and what kind of miracle he would create.