What Happened Back Then

Ming Yue smiled at Ye Wuhen's praise and said humbly, "Senior, you flatter me. Those are all rumors spread by outsiders. I don't dare to be arrogant."

"Haha, not bad. You're neither arrogant nor rash. You're generous and will definitely succeed in the future." Ye Wuhen smiled in satisfaction. Then, he glanced at Ye Qiu and walked towards the Cloud Platform without saying anything.

"Ye Wuhen of the Ye Clan greets Elder Meng." After saying that, Ye Wuhen bowed. This was the greatest etiquette he gave Meng Tianzheng. It could be seen what kind of position Meng Tianzheng occupied in his heart. In this world, only Meng Tianzheng could make him lower his head like this.

Meng Tianzheng shook his head as he looked at Ye Wuhen's white hair. He knew very well what kind of pain Ye Wuhen had experienced back then. If it weren't for his strong heart, anyone else would have gradually lost themselves in that pain and torture and become a complete lunatic.