The First Hundred-Thousand-Fold Return

Hearing this, Yaya's heart trembled. She looked seriously at her aunt's sincere gaze.

Her heart skipped a beat. She calmed down and said, "Yes, Aunt, Yaya knows. I'll definitely learn from Master."

Jiang Ling'er smiled in relief when she saw how obedient and sensible she was. She was finally at ease. Her trip to the Heaven Mending Pavilion had not been in vain. At least she saw that Yaya was living very well here and had a bright future. In the future, she would definitely be the Light of the Fire Nation and lead the Fire Nation to glory again.

That way, she could rest assured! Moreover, other than Yaya, she had also gained something unexpected. After Mingyue's guidance, the knot in her heart was resolved. She might even gain something unexpected when she returns this time.