Karma Down the Mountain

Lin Xiaotian was afraid! He really did not expect this world to be so small. It wasn't easy for him to appease the Heaven Mending Saintess' anger back then. Now, they had angered the Heaven Mending Deity. His son was actually really awesome.

Good lord, it turned out that this kid was at odds with the Heaven Mending Pavilion. It's fine if he didn't provoke anyone, but once he did, he provoked the most ruthless people. He was too good! With him in the Lin family, there was no need to worry about the family not being destroyed.

At that moment, Lin Xiaotian completely panicked. He knelt down and said, "Lin Xiaotian greets the Heaven Mending Deity! What happened just now was all my Lin family's fault. We offended the Deity. Please don't take offense."

At this moment, dignity was nothing. Lin Xiaotian didn't want to attract the person from the Star Picking Pavilion because of Ye Qiu. At that time, even if his father came out of seclusion, he would be finished.