Some People Were Born in the Immortal World

"Haha!" Facing Jiang Tao's endless praise, Ye Qiu laughed and didn't continue to refute. He had bragged about this many times. So he did not feel much in his heart. His heart was already numb. The so-called rumors from the outside world did not affect him much. He only needed to do his best.

"Let's go!" After calming down, Ye Qiu walked into the righteous hall. At this moment, Fire Sovereign, Jiang Buwang, had been waiting for a long time.

Jiang Buwang was stunned when he saw Ye Qiu walk in. "He's actually so young! This…" He was completely stunned. At that moment, he had imagined all kinds of scenes. For example, Ye Qiu was a sage-like old man who had attained the Dao. At the very least, he was a sage halfway into his middle age.