He's a Lunatic

"Haha! Shameless old thief, I've finally caught you. You hid it well." Ye Wuhen held a black saber and walked over from the void.

That shocking murderous aura surged over, and the expressions of everyone present suddenly changed.

"What a terrifying murderous aura. This guy is indeed a killing god. I wonder how many people's blood he has."

"The situation is not good! Fellow Daoist, what should we do now?"

For a moment, the mysterious experts hiding in the dark in the demon seed camp began to discuss what to do.

"Ye Wuhen is a violent person with domineering strength. Very few people can fight him in the Dao Sacrificial realm, but he's alone after all. We might not lose even if we join forces."

"That's right. Although this guy is famous for being ferocious, we're not to be trifled with. Let's meet this so-called Killing God today."