Giant Crocodile Defeats, True Phoenix Treasure Vault Appears


The Nine Heavens trembled. The peak battle above the Dao Sacrificial realm directly opened a few cracks in the barrier in front of him. That powerful force instantly washed over the entire Primordial Mine. For a moment, everyone was shocked.

"What a powerful aura. Could this be… a battle above the Dao Sacrificial realm?"

"What is that place?"

For a moment, countless people in the Primordial Mine cast puzzled gazes. They all clearly felt the shocking pressure coming from the Immortal Ancient Ruins. In the next second, countless descendants of the golden bloodline and the Monarch's bloodline surged into the ruins, wanting to see what was going on there.

However, the moment they entered the ruins, a violent impact attacked. Everyone was instantly pushed away by the air wave and spat out a mouthful of blood, severely injured.

"Ahem, He coughed heavily. Even Ye Qiu, who had cultivated his body to the limit, couldn't withstand such an impact.