

Dark clouds attacked from the sky, and rolling heavenly lightning broke the peace of the world. At this moment, everyone seemed to be in a magical domain. In this inch of world, Ye Qiu was like a god that couldn't be offended!

"Externalization realm! I see…" Ye Qiu was secretly delighted as he looked at the changes in the laws in front of him. So this was how the so-called external realm was used. This was the first time he had used such a powerful law domain with the Externalization realm. The power was so great that even Ye Qiu didn't expect it.

This time, Ye Qiu used the eighth sword technique of the Cursive Sword Art, Nirvana of Heaven and Earth! This was the strongest technique Ye Qiu had cultivated so far, and also the most shocking sword technique in the chaotic battle.