Beat Him To Death, I'll Support You

"Alright! We'll talk about these things in the future. For the rest of the time, you just need to cultivate well. I'll settle the rest."

After saying that, Ye Qiu glanced at his three disciples. He had high hopes for these three disciples.

Especially Lin Qingzhu. She represented the status of the chief disciple of Violet Cloud. Therefore, she was under the greatest pressure at the Heaven Mending Assembly three months later.

Ye Qiu was still very at ease with her. At least among the new generation of disciples, her strength should be among the top.

However, according to the rules, the competition of this Heaven Mending Assembly was divided by levels.

The difference was based on the various realms. They will compare whose combat strength was stronger among those in the same realm.

This rule could be said to have vividly distinguished geniuses from mediocre talents.