Bad Omen

Seeing Lian Feng come, Elder Li was more or less puzzled. Why did this little girl, who had disappeared for many years since she went up the mountain, suddenly appear today? He could not figure out why Lian Feng suddenly visited the Star Picking Pavilion, but he did not ask because this was not his duty.

"If you want to see the First Elder, go up. However, I don't recommend you go up now."

"Hmm? Why?" Ye Qiu retracted his foot and asked with a puzzled expression. What did he mean by not recommending going up now? Could it be that there were guests up there now?

Elder Li looked deeply at Ye Qiu and explained, "An old friend is visiting the First Elder now."

"What does that have to do with me?" Ye Qiu was puzzled. He didn't know the First Elder's old friend. He only accompanied Lian Feng today to chat with the First Elder. He didn't do anything.

Elder Li didn't answer Ye Qiu's question, but Ye Qiu saw a meaningful meaning in his eyes.