The Wind Is Up

Daoist Tianfeng was stunned when he heard Xiao Jinse's relaxed and calm words. He never expected Xiao Jinse to accept it so calmly. This decision also meant that he had already put down his proud heart and accepted the truth humbly.

What a rare quality.

If it was in front of any peerless genius, they would not be able to accept this reality.

Apart from Ming Yue, he seemed to be the only one who could accept it, right?

The opening of Heavenly Sanctum was unlike those people who were already in the Ten Heavenly Sanctums, as they had yet to take that step. They already knew that there were still two more sanctums after the Ten Heavenly Sanctums. They did not need to bear too much mental impact and only wanted to advance.

Xiao Jinse, who had already reached the extreme realm of the Dao Sacrificial realm, had long passed that stage. He needed to put down his pride and return to that realm to reconstruct himself.