Hidden Dragon?

"Uh… That, Second Young Master, calm down. You have to calm down. It's not to the extent, it's not to the extent." The Fifth Elder broke out in cold sweat when he saw Xiao Fan activate his AoE on Xiao Bieli.

He had gone crazy from killing! The Second Young Master went crazy from killing. After all, he's your biological brother. How can you belittle him like this? Although I knew that the two of you had never gotten along and started fighting the moment you met and were unconvinced, you had to at least give some face in front of outsiders, right?

"Calm down for what?" It would have been fine if Xiao Bieli wasn't mentioned, but once he was mentioned, Xiao Fan became even angrier. He pointed at the Fifth Elder's nose and said angrily, "He can't defeat others, yet he doesn't let others say it? It's fine if he doesn't know his own ability, but he kept a straight face all day that you'd think that everyone in the world owes him money.