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"Too arrogant!"

"This is intolerable!

He was furious.

All the Heavenly Dao disciples present were furious. If they endured such a great humiliation today, some clown might jump out in the future and think that their Heavenly Dao Peak was easy to bully.

"Master! This person looks down on my Heavenly Dao Peak. I, Han Feng, can't take it anymore. Master, please allow me to fight him one-on-one." Behind him, an unknown disciple, Han Feng, immediately stood up and said that he wanted to fight Ye Qiu one-on-one.

Hearing this, everyone laughed as if they had heard a joke.


"This kid must have a cerebral hemorrhage. Or did I hear wrongly? He wants to fight Ye Qiu one-on-one?"

"Is he crazy, or does he think he can do it again?"