Addicted to Acting?

As expected, as soon as Gu Wushuang said this, Linglong instantly revealed an uneasy and slightly flustered expression. Even though she had tried her best to hide it, Gu Wushuang still caught it clearly.

"Hehe, it's steady!" Gu Wushuang was even more delighted. Wasn't this steady? She panicked. Did you see that? She was clearly panicking. It was enough to prove that my guess just now was all correct.

Her stamina had long been exhausted, and her bold words just now were just deliberately mystifying things in an attempt to scare everyone.

And now, as soon as he raised the challenge, Linglong clearly didn't dare to respond to his challenge. However, she had said ruthless words previously. If she didn't accept the challenge, it would be equivalent to slapping her own face and putting her on the spot.

Therefore, regardless of whether Linglong should fight or not, he had profited this time. Thinking of this, he was even more overjoyed. As quick-witted as me!