Be My Mount

Ye Qiu successfully entered the underground city.

This underground city seemed to be a little different from what he had imagined.

The underground city he imagined should be a dark and sinful capital. However, the truth was that this was a very magnificent and huge city. Its prosperity could even compare to the capital of any dynasty in the world.

Although it was built underground, it was unknown if that mysterious big shot had used supreme laws and nomological to evolve it, but it was like a completely independent small world. Here, there was a complete order system. The market was orderly, and there were all kinds of living beings coming and going.

Ye Qiu learned from the waiter that there was more than one entrance to the underground city. This also explained why the inn above was so deserted and why it was so lively below.

"This is… the Abyss Golden Undead Knight from the ancient underground?"