Try Me If You Have The Guts

"You shouldn't refuse me! It's your greatest honor to be my follower. After all, you foreign creatures are just the survivors of the Immortal Ancient, low-level livestock. You're only worthy of being dogs for my great god race.

"In order to protect you, your ridiculous ancestor set up this natural chasm barrier. It seems to protect you in a greenhouse, but what's the difference between it and a cage? In my eyes, you're just a bunch of livestock raised by the gods. It's also very interesting to choose a few strong ones in my spare time and let them fight each other."

That extremely arrogant tone, as if he treated all living beings as toys, especially those aggressive livestock. As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present was instantly enraged.

Everyone present was furious.

"Damn it! Damn dark maggots, you actually dare to look down on us like this."