Brainless Thing

In this abyss, Ye Qiu didn't have absolute friends. All the living beings in front of him could be imagined as enemies. Therefore, he was very cautious with every step. In the dark and desolate ruins, Ye Qiu slowly walked forward. The yellow sand that filled the sky continuously devoured this land.

It was already dilapidated after tens of thousands of years of baptism.

Tap, tap…

Ye Qiu's footsteps made tapping sounds as he stepped on the wasteland. The limestone bricks under the floor emitted a strange rune power. There seemed to be some man-eating monster hidden in the distorted void.

"What a strange place!"

Unlike the tombs of the fallen Immortal Ancient experts, this was more like an ancient capital. It was extremely huge and endless. Even a huge beast hundreds of meters long seemed especially small here.