Brainless' Taboo


With a furious roar, the entire Cave Abode fell into an earthquake.

Brainless went berserk! With a flick of its tail, a terrifying power instantly erupted. A violent wind assaulted, stirring up dust. Its tail ruthlessly smashed into the black-robed man.

"Pfft," He spat out a mouthful of blood. In just a moment, a black-robed man was severely injured. Under extreme anger and mania, Brainless' combat strength was off the charts. At this moment, it had already reached the realm above the Dao Sacrificial realm.

Moreover, it was not affected by any restrictions. Even its opponents had strength above the Dao Sacrificial realm, but they were limited by laws and nomological restrictions and could only unleash the power of the Dao Sacrificial realm.