Above the Dao Sacrificial

"Merit?" After the second immortal energy successfully took root, Ye Qiu looked at the embryonic form of the third Dao immortal energy and was stunned. "How can it be it!"

In the beginning, Ye Qiu thought that he would need to spend more time precipitating this third immortal energy. However, he never expected that during his ninety-ninth reincarnation, he would gather the great fortune of the world and educate all living beings.

It enlightened all living beings and carried the great providence of the world. It gathered endless merit and directly produced an immortal energy that carried the power of merit of the world after returning from the cycle.

"Hiss… There's such an unexpected gain?" After being stunned for a while, Ye Qiu was instantly overjoyed because the encounter of this ninety-ninth life had shortened his time by nearly decades.