Strange Origin

"Don't worry! This kid has provoked this monstrous negative karma. We don't have to do anything. Soon, he will suffer retribution." At this moment, a mysterious figure who had not spoken spoke.

As soon as these words were spoken, the scene instantly fell silent, not understanding.

"What do you mean?"

"Hmph… Stupid ant. In the end, you're still an ant. You're arrogant and condescending. You think you can hold up the sky with your own strength! You don't know that the true controller controls everything and has never appeared. He has already attracted the attention of the old monsters behind him after committing this monstrous crime. Soon, he will welcome his first test."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone fell silent. They were not fools and instantly understood what that mysterious figure meant. There was no doubt that the few people Ye Qiu killed had ruthless figures who could control everything in the world behind them.