Heaven and Earth Cage, Killing Formation!

"Haha, you trash want to kill me?" Madman Qiu had already gone completely crazy. His red eyes were releasing an endless desire to kill. He had already gone crazy! He was unwilling to let the plan that he had painstakingly built for so many years end in this way. "I've protected the border for tens of thousands of years and am worthy of the world! I'm worthy of all living beings in the Nine Heavens. What right do you have to condemn me? I just want to seek longevity. Isn't it worth sacrificing you in exchange for my life?"

At this point, Madman Qiu's expression became even more ferocious. Resentment occupied his heart. He looked at everyone with killing intent and said fiercely, "All of you! You deserve to die! No one can stop me! Cage of Heaven and Earth! Activate!"