The Wind Is Up

"Above the Dao Sacrificial realm! Fuze…" There was no expression on the Head Deacon's face, but his tone was terrifyingly gloomy, every word filled with killing intent.

"Head Deacon! We shouldn't need to worry too much about the Heavenly Pass of Life. With the ancient immortal's killing array, no matter how huge the other party's team is, they won't be able to take a step past it. Moreover, there's that old fellow White Ape holding down the fort over there. What can a mere Ye Qiu do?

"Therefore, we should focus more on the north and south passages in case they launch a surprise attack from both sides." Below, a Patriarch of a large clan analyzed.

In the current situation, they had completely grasped the lifeline of Imperial Pass. No matter how they fought this battle, it was impossible for them to lose.