Master Crocodile

"Master, where are you going?"

While the Wang Clan was fighting, Ye Qiu hurriedly left the hall in the Lingxiao Palace. Lin Qingzhu was very curious about his strange actions and couldn't help but ask. Now that the army had set off, he needed to hold down at all times and preside over the Heavenly Courts. What was wrong with her master? Why was he suddenly leaving?

Lin Qingzhu was puzzled, and so was Zhao Wan'er. Linglong said, "I know, I know. Master must have something especially important to do."

Ye Qiu smiled faintly and patted her little head. Then, he said to his disciples, "I'm going to visit an important senior. I'll be back soon."

Hearing this, Lin Qingzhu held Linglong's hand in case she insisted on following and causing trouble for her master. "Master, go ahead. I'll guard this place." Lin Qingzhu said very sensibly. Ye Qiu smiled in relief and slowly left Mount Buzhou.