Blood Dyeing the Heavens! Overturning the Demon Clan (1)

That was a blood-red world that had infected the entire world. In the purgatory of the Nine Nether, all living beings wailed. The iron corpse lying under the plateau slowly opened his eyes. His upper body was naked, revealing powerful muscles.

Lines of blood appeared on his body, making him look especially bloody and fierce. There was no emotion in his eyes! He was like a ruthless fiendcelestial who had awakened from the dark abyss.

"Congratulations, my lord! You have entered the Immortal Emperor realm again." Below, rows of Nine Heavens powerhouses knelt down in unison. A shocking murderous aura surged over. He stood on the copper coffin. Tian was dignified without anger. With just a glance, all living beings bowed.