I'll Give You a Chance to Draw Your Sword

The gatekeeper of the Sword Pavilion.

Lu Gao.

He lost his eyes in trying to protect the Sword Pavilion.

Back then, he thought that he would be a disabled person for the rest of his life and was prepared to return to his hometown.

Han Muye made him stay.

He had also taught him the Military Sword Technique, one of the Three Techniques of the Sword Pavilion.

This was because the Military Sword Technique could replace his eyes with the sword.

From then on, he had eyes again.

It was the sword that had fused into his body.

His sword was his eye.

As far as Lu Gao was concerned, he was lucky.

The Sword Cultivation Technique allowed him to have the combat strength of an Earth Realm expert and a long lifespan.

He might even have a chance to step into the Heaven Realm, reconstruct his body, and regain his eyes.

Who could tell what was going on in this world?

For him, he would do two things in the future.