One Sword to Kill a Fourth Heaven Realm Expert!

10,000 swords condensed into one sword!

In front of Tu Sunshi, all the sword lights condensed into a green sword. The sword was covered in cloud patterns, and the blade flickered with a cold light.

Just as the sword condensed, the five demon clouds that soared into the sky were trembling.

"Tu Sunshi, you're crazy!"

"Do you really want to die after wasting your thousand-year-old sword Nascent Soul?"

"Tu Sunshi, if I'm not here today, I'll definitely destroy your Tai Yi Sword Sect!"

Roars and angry shouts sounded, including anger and timidity.

Tu Sunshi laughed loudly. The sword light did not decrease at all, leading Han Muye's sword to stab out.

This sword had been cultivated by Tu Sunshi for a thousand years. It embodied Han Muye's soul, and countless cultivators' swords.

This strike condensed the sword heart of a sword cultivator.