Fire Source Palace, Dharma Treasure Sword

Daoist Dayan opened his palm.

Five fiery-red spiritual beads the size of pigeon eggs were steaming with a brilliant light.

A charm that made one unable to look away condensed on the light beads.

Fire Essence Crystals.

Fire-type supreme treasure.

A Fire Essence Crystal was worth at least three million spiritual rocks. In the cultivation world, it could cause half-step Heaven Realm cultivators to fight madly for it.

Patriarch Tao Ran's eyes lit up, and his breathing quickened.

This Fire Essence Crystal was extremely helpful for him to step into the Heaven Realm.

He raised his hand and summoned two Fire Essence Crystals back into his palm, gripping them tightly.

"I thought I'd be lucky to have one or two. I didn't expect five.

"With these two, I'm confident that I can enter the Heaven Realm in 60 years."

Patriarch Tao Ran smiled and pointed at the remaining three fire essence crystals. "Take the rest as your reward."