Patriarch Tao Ran's Heaven Realm Power (3)

However, he saw that Han Muye's sword techniques, be it the prairie fire of the fire lineage, the wave gathering of the water lineage, the wood lineage, or the metal lineage sword technique, were all extremely proficient.

How smart must a person be to have such comprehension?

A dead leaf fluttered, spun, and split into three.

Three leaves appeared and exploded, turning into dead leaves that filled the sky and wrapped around the retreating half-step Heaven Realm elder.

The old man snorted and pointed with a wooden staff.


All the dead leaves caught fire and turned to ash.

Although his sword technique was good, it could not do anything to a half-step Heaven Realm expert.

The old man looked at the withered leaves that had turned to ashes and was about to smile when he saw a waning moon fly out from the ashes. It let out a shrill scream in front of him and drew a profound trajectory.

Waning moon.