Han Muye's First Trip to the Central Continent (3)

He was afraid that no one would fight for it!

Seeing Han Muye's expression, Kong Chaode chuckled and nodded.

His Young Master's talent and comprehension were rare in the world. The rarest thing was that his temperament was almost flawless.

It was no wonder he was so powerful in the Confucian Dao.

In the cabin, Han Muye took out the pills in his hand and a few swords from the Fire Source World to discuss with Kong Chaode how to get their foot in the door in the Central Continent.ual

Earning Central Continent spirit rocks was a big business.

The flying ship kept flying. Three days later, they arrived outside Green Ray Mountain.

Standing at the bow, they saw the spiritual energy flashing on the entire Green Ray Mountain, and the trees were lush.

"It was no wonder that the Shuxi County Governor wanted to pay tribute to the Green Ray Mountain. Just the spiritual energy on the mountain alone can produce countless spiritual herbs."