Secret Realm Blood Guide, Desolate Galaxy

Blood sacrifice.

Several white-haired Heaven Realm demons stood on the high platform in front of them. They were wearing linen robes and holding short knives in their hands.

Behind them were 100 Heaven Realm and half-step Heaven Realm experts.

These people had different forms. Some had two horns on their heads, some had manes on their heads, and some had long tails, and some had big ears fanning them gently.

Under the platform, dozens of demon phalanges were neatly arranged.

Each phalanx consisted of a thousand Earth Realm demons.

The strength of the demons of the Southern Wasteland was obvious.


An aged voice sounded. All the demons gripped their knives tightly.


A long saber was pulled out, and blood splattered.

Blood qi instantly filled the air.

Between heaven and earth, a strong wind was blowing fiercely.

The boundless power seemed to come from the ancient times.