Heavenly Fox, Bai Wuhen (2)

After Golden Dusk came to the secret realm, he suppressed a small clan and refined their bloodline power, forming his own small faction.

Unfortunately, he died in just a day.

As images appeared in his mind, Han Muye remembered all kinds of information about Twilight City and the Cold Nether Realm.

There were many demon races in this world, and their resources were not bad. There were many Heaven Realm experts among them.

However, the internal strife in this world was also very strong. The lion and tiger clans fought endlessly.

The Twilight City, which was sandwiched between the gaps, had placed a huge bet this time. The few Deputy City Lords and the Young City Lord all entered the secret realm.

The restrictions on entering the Secret Realm in the Cold Nether Realm were much lower than in the Heavenly Mystic Realm. Demons under 800 years old could enter.

It only took an instant for Han Muye to draw his sword and fly down.