He Tianzhen Seeks the Kui Horn (2)

"Wait for me for three months. I'll unseal my main body.

"My bloodline power alone can't withstand that guy's lightning." He Tianzhen laughed and looked around. "Kid, when I return, I'll take you to the wilderness."

With that, he turned into a faint stream of light and flew away.

Desolate Wilderness.

Does this Heavenly Crane really have a way to go to the wilderness? Han Muye wondered.

It's a place filled with countless powerful beasts.

Also, why is Duan Jiuxiao suppressing He Tianzhen here?

Han Muye had many questions.

For powerful cultivators like Duan Jiuxiao and Sword Venerable Yuan Tian, everything they did had a deeper meaning.

He could not figure it out for the time being because his realm and knowledge had not reached that level.

If the Heavenly Crane's main body can be unsealed, what about the other ancient mutated beasts?