White Fox Ballad on the Flowing Jade River (3)

Shao Datian ran and stopped about 3,000 feet in front of the caravans. Jia Yang frowned and turned to look at Han Muye and Mu Wan. In the end, he did not speak or attack.

The figures chased after him until they were 3,000 feet away and stopped.

They were three huge black wolves that were 10 feet long. They bared their teeth and their auras were violent.

3,000 feet. The power of a Golden Core cultivator enveloped them, making the three giant wolves not dare to approach.

Shao Datian acted as if he didn't see anything. He simply carried Cuicui and ran quickly. When he was 300 feet away from the caravans, he suddenly stopped.

Turning around, he looked at Han Muye and Mu Wan.

"I know you." Shao Datian carried Cuicui back to Han Muye and looked at him. "Can you help me save Cuicui?"

He stared at Han Muye. "I sense that you're a friend of our demon race."