Achieving the Dao Through Incense, Interception at the Guan Estuary (3)

However, the superiority in his tone was not something outsiders could have.

"Who—who the hell are you?"

Qian Yunong narrowed his eyes and stared at Han Muye, his eyes cold.

"The Guan Estuary is under the rule of Dongshan County. What can the poor Dongshan County do to stop our Daoist Sect?

"Once we cripple the power of Dongshan County, the Fuchen Dao Sect will occupy this region in the future."

"This is an open conspiracy. You can't break it."

Qian Yunong gritted his teeth and shouted.

Zhang Yaohui placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

If Qian Yunong spoke again, he would choose to behead him.

Fortunately, Qian Yunong did not want to die.

He chose to shut up.

"Forward," Zhang Yaohui glanced at Qian Yunong and shouted.

Xiao Chu and Jia Yang returned to the big ship in front and sailed straight ahead.

Han Muye sat in the front of the deck and looked into the distance.

Mu Wan sat beside him.