The Tiny Mortal World is a Beautiful Place (2)

A trace of joy, shyness, and smugness flashed across Mu Wan's eyes.

Their breaths merged and their lips touched.

The tiny mortal world is a beautiful place.

Today's cauldron of pills took a day to refine.

Zuo Yuting, who was receiving customers in the shop, felt a little uneasy.

In the past, her Lady Boss was very fast at refining pills.

Can it be that this custom-made pill is so difficult to refine?

The expression of the middle-aged man in the green-gray robe who was waiting in the shop didn't change at first. He was even interested in the paintings hanging on the wall.

By afternoon, he started to feel restless.

Zuo Yuting had already refilled seven to eight pots of tea.

Fortunately, before sunset, Han Muye came out with a jade bottle.

"Mr. Gu, I didn't disappoint you." Han Muye handed over the jade bottle and chuckled.